Sunday, November 30, 2008

thanksgiving holiday

it was very nice to go home and see a lot of family over the break! sadly, i didn't take many photos. here are some of my favorite highlights...

1. delicious food! we actually had lots of leftovers on the big day!
2. OU beats OSU!! what a great game! i was especially impressed with ty's interest and attention throughout the entire game.
3. trivial pursuit 1980's - mom & grant were the winners. no surprise that kyle & i were not too good. wait til the 2000's come out though! also, liked how uncle matt repeatedly told uncle mike, ooh, you'll get this one, before reading his question.
4. cranium - holly was convinced she would be 'less than' a full player. however, she and dani beat the rest of us pretty good. my fav was probably dani bodysurfing, dave's many humdingers, and the group sonny & cher humdinger.
5. james' convincing argument to angel on the responsibleness of eleanor roosevelt in apples to apples. she stood her ground tho and didn't cave in.
6. getting to hold molly rose!
7. chatting fashion with kyle and holly
8. kyle's and my confusion over a new word, 'tump'. tentative definition ~ synonym for dump.
9. ordering my very own big screen tv on black friday! thanks for the help kyle.
10. did i mention the food?? :)


Holly Beth said...

That was pretty fun! Wish I could have been there for the apples to apples game! And Kyle I guess you do dress better than most....

Lissa said...

We missed you guys!!

Lissa said...

HEY! You need an update! :) I miss hearing about your adventures.