Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Weeeeelllll, aren't I a cool cat. Got to go to two super fun Halloween parties this year.

The theme for the first, was 1980's Prom of the Living Dead. I got this great dress on Ebay. My cause of death was bitten by a vampire. You can't see in this pic, but I had blood at the corners of my mouth and a bite marks on my neck! I washed the blood off my mouth halfway through, as I decided it spoiled the pictures....I won the award for biggest hair too!

Kyle had to inform me that vampires are not dead, rather they are immortal. But I decided to ignore his negativism!

The second party was this past weekend and the theme was Graphic Novels/Comic book characters/Cartoon Characters. So, my friend, Kim and I were power rangers! We made the costumes ourselves!

Kyle again informed me that power rangers were alive, thus not cartoons and they were also not comic book characters. He sure knows how to be negative nancy!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Kyle doesn't know his vampire lore like we Twilighters. You can be killed by a vampire bite--they usually drink their victim's blood actually, instead of making them immortal. It's much more difficult to make someone immortal, actually.

Great Power Rangers costume! I'm very impressed in your handiwork! Your parties were super-cool!