Sunday, September 28, 2008

'long time no blog'

well what can i say? last week was abc stay at home week! so, you know my social calendar was quite full. only partly kidding....i did have a quite a bit of work also. but i found time to watch dancing with the stars, america's next top model, project runway, the office, and greys anatomy.

kyle came to visit me last weekend. we got in some good shopping, burn after reading, and several good meals. kyle also managed to squeeze in a little movie time with a lady friend as well. but of course, i wouldn't want to detail all of his happenings online!

teaching is going well. at least i think it is....not sure if the students would agree or not! sometimes they are listening and then i can tell sometimes they are completely zoned out! i actually enjoy teaching for the most part though, i think.

katie and i saw ghost town this weekend. it was pretty funny and i would recommend it given the current slump at the cinema.

here are a few pics from my house...since i haven't taken any others lately. the first is my bed, the window in my room, and then the guest bedroom.


Kim said...

Hey, that guest bedroom bed looks familiar! Beautiful house! Teaching is like that; just don't let their zoning out distract you. Besides, even when they look zoned, a lot of times, they're listening. I'm sure you're doing a great job.

Lissa said...

Will I get to see you this weekend? Thanks for the update. Your house looks lovely! Do you have any troublemaker students? Any that read newspapers or fall asleep? Haha.